Contradictory statements for Fortran binding
qbit19 opened this issue · 2 comments
When I want to download libint tarball I am directed to page:
where it is written:
libint v2.6.0 configured for use with CP2K
Note: cmake build of Fortran interface is broken in this release, please use autoconf to build this libint version.
However, on the main build page "Build instructions" I am adviced to use the wiki:
where it is written:
As of version 2.6.0 the Autoconf build is deprecated; the exported libint library should be configured with CMake and built with any CMake-supported generator, e.g. Ninja and GNU Make. Only CMake-based build will be discussed.
In summary, what is this NONSENSE:
cmake build of Fortran interface is broken in this release <-> Only CMake-based build will be discussed
please use autoconf to build this libint version <-> As of version 2.6.0 the Autoconf build is deprecated;
Are you guys reading what you are writing ??
You are confusing the libint project with our project here, which is just a service to publicly document the default cp2k libint settings, in form of code. The Jenkinsfile
shows how to generate the tarballs we ship on the mirror of source files. While the toolchain in CP2K can be used as an example on how to build it.
Thanks for spotting this inconsistency between the CP2K readme (which was dated 2 years ago) and the recent libint wiki page (which was updated 4 months ago).
The suggested way to install dependencies with CP2K is the CP2K toolchain. Alternatively, you can use building tools such as SPACK or Easybuild.
Are you guys reading what you are writing ??
Besides the fact that this is a bit offending, you are always welcome to open a PR and update the README. As stated above, the libint wiki page changed in the meantime (we don't control libint page). With the recent commit #6 I've removed this link.