[REPO] Support repo - nodesource, ookla_speedtest
Closed this issue · 3 comments
/scripts/elevate-cpanel --check
2023-08-29 23:42:05 [INFO] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
2023-08-29 23:42:05 [WARN] *** Elevation Blocker detected: ***
This installation of cPanel ( does not appear to be up to date. Please upgrade cPanel to a most recent version. -
2023-08-29 23:42:07 [WARN] Unsupported YUM repo enabled 'nodesource' without packages installed from /etc/yum.repos.d/nodesource-el7.repo
2023-08-29 23:42:07 [WARN] Unsupported YUM repo enabled 'ookla_speedtest-cli' without packages installed from /etc/yum.repos.d/ookla_speedtest-cli.repo
2023-08-29 23:42:07 [WARN] Unsupported YUM repo enabled 'ookla_speedtest-cli-source' without packages installed from /etc/yum.repos.d/ookla_speedtest-cli.repo
2023-08-29 23:42:07 [WARN] Unsupported YUM repo enabled 'imunify360-rollout-5' without packages installed from /etc/yum.repos.d/imunify-new-rollout.repo
2023-08-29 23:42:07 [WARN] Unsupported YUM repo enabled 'imunify360-rollout-6' without packages installed from /etc/yum.repos.d/imunify-new-rollout.repo
2023-08-29 23:42:07 [WARN] Unsupported YUM repo enabled 'imunify360-rollout-7' without packages installed from /etc/yum.repos.d/imunify-new-rollout.repo
2023-08-29 23:42:07 [WARN] Unsupported YUM repo enabled 'imunify360-rollout-8' without packages installed from /etc/yum.repos.d/imunify-new-rollout.repo
2023-08-29 23:42:07 [WARN] *** Elevation Blocker detected: ***
One or more enabled YUM repo are currently unsupported.
You should disable these repositories and remove packages installed from them
before continuing the update.Consider reporting this limitation to https://github.com/cpanel/elevate/issues
- nodesource-el7.repo
- ookla_speedtest-cli.repo
the most recent release already supports the additional imunif360-rollout repos.
imunify360 is fixed. you should remove ookla_speedtest-cli RPMs manually before running elevate.