
Assembler Error

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello everyone.
I just tried to use this library in Atmel studio 7. I set the F_CPU in the properties to 16MHZ(in numbers of course) which is the frequency my atmega 2560 is running at. Now i've imported the two header files and the c file and tried to compile knowing that nothing will light up but this didn't work for me. There are multiple Warnings with the following content: asm operand 2 probably doesn't match constraints and a fitting error message: Impossible constraint in 'asm'. All errors point at this line(the first one):
asm volatile( " ldi %0,8 \n\t" "loop%=: \n\t" " out %2,%3 \n\t" // '1' [01] '0' [01] - re
Am i doing something wrong? Or is it just me being dumb and not knowing how to handle assembler files?

This is probably because you use a port that is not accessible using normail in/out functions.