
Package to create ASV reference Database. Especially for Qiime2 usage.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Table of content


This package allow to create ASV specific reference databases from unfiltered FASTA files. FASTA file supported:

It is mainly intended to be used by command line. However, some modules can be used inside python scripts. Most of the database creation is automatically done, only a few commands are left to the user.

CAUTION: this tool is not a pipeline but a set of modules.

Package installation

The package is available on pypi. It can be installed by the following command:

pip install asvmaker


ASVmaker is designed to be used by modules : Drag Racing

1.1. Retrieve fasta files from a general database

The first step involves downloading a FASTA file for a specific genus of interest from a general database : Silva, Unite, RNAcentral, ENA, NCBI or DDBJ. This file contains the genomic data necessary for subsequent analysis.

If you work from the Silva or UNITE fasta file, we recommand to extract genus sequences with grep -A 1 "Genus" filename.fasta. By this, ASVmaker will process your data quicker. CAUTION : fasta file sequences from Silva are multiligned. Use the following script to flatten the sequence on one single line : flatten.sh

# The genus of interest
# The name of the database. Pick among : ncbi,ebi,ddbj,rnaCentral,silva,unite
# Fasta file to proceed

1.2. Create the initial database

Next, ASVmaker enables the creation of a genus-specific database by using the downloaded FASTA file. Each sequence lineage is verified by accession number through the European Nucleotide Archive API if possible and through the NCBI Entrez API if the ENA one doesn't match. Users must specify primers to be used during the simulation of the amplification process, allowing for precise targeting of the desired genomic regions and ASV creation.

python3 -m asvmaker \
    -inf database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_info_create.txt \
    create \
    -i ${SEQ} \
    -db ${DB} \
    -fp fw_primer.fasta \
    -rp rv_primer.fasta \
    -fmt 5 \
    -rmt 5 \
    -o database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_create.json

1.3. Filter the sequences

To enhance the quality and specificity of the analysis, ASVmaker provides the functionality to filter out redundant amplicons and exclude unwanted taxonomy. Redundant amplicons are ASVs sharing the same taxonomy. Unwanted taxonomy or species that are not of interest (e.g. : “sp.” or “aff.”) can also be filtered out, ensuring a more focused analysis on the target genus.

python3 -m asvmaker \
    -inf database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_info_filter.txt \
    filter \
    -i database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_create.json \
    -g1 ${GENUS} \
    -o database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_filter.json

python3 -m asvmaker \
    -inf database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_info_exp1.txt \
    export \
    -i database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_filter.json \
    -sao database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_sa.txt 1

1.4. Create SA taxons

ASVmaker creates Shared Amplicon (SA) groups, which involve clustering identical ASVs which have different taxonomies. This grouping allows for a comprehensive understanding of the taxonomic diversity within the selected ASV, providing valuable precisions into the composition and dynamics of microbial communities.

python3 -m asvmaker \
    -inf database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_info_edit.txt \
    edit \
    -i database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_filter.json \
    -grp database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_sa_ext.txt \
    -o database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_edit.json

python3 -m asvmaker \
    -inf database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_info_exp2.txt \
    export \
    -i database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_edit.json \
    -aop database/${DB}/${GENUS}_${DB}_asv.fasta

2. Merge databases

Moreover, ASVmaker offers the option to merge ASV specific databases from different general databases, providing flexibility to combine data from various sources. This merging process allows for a more comprehensive dataset, enabling comparative analysis and broader insights into the studied genus.

python3 -m asvmaker \
    -inf database/all/${GENUS}_info_merge.txt \
    merge \
    -i database/rnaCentral/${GENUS}_rnaCentral_edit.json \
    -sa1 database/rnaCentral/${GENUS}_rnaCentral_sa_ext.txt \
    -i2 database/unite/${GENUS}_unite_edit.json \
    -sa2 database/unite/${GENUS}_unite_sa_ext.txt \
    -o database/all/${GENUS}_merge.json

python3 -m asvmaker \
    -inf database/all/${GENUS}_info_exp3.txt \
    export \
    -i database/all/${GENUS}_merge.json \
    -aop database/all/${GENUS}_asv.fasta

Qiime example

When an ASVmaker specific database has been created, it is possible to use it as a complementary database for Qiime2 ASV taxonomic identification.

Here, we present a method to use an ITS specific database created with ASVmaker on 38 fungus pathogen genera. This method involves a first identification with Qiime2 and a complementary step with the ASVmaker specific database.

In order to run such analysis, 3 files are required (+ FASTQ to analyse):

A bash script (ITS.sh) makes a taxonomic attribution with Qiime2 and completes the identification with the ASVmaker specific database. Then, the results are exported as a table for each sample. If the detected genus is in the genera list, a column isPatho gives details about it. Columns description :

  • #OTU ID : Qiime2 sequence identifier
  • Reads Count : number of reads in the sample
  • Relative Abundance : number of reads on total sum of reads in the sample
  • Kingdom,Phylum Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species : UNITE taxonomy identification
  • Unite Confidence : UNITE classifier identification confidence
  • isPatho : taxon in pathogenes list
  • Specific DB Taxonomy : taxonomy from ASVmaker specific database

Results table example :

#OTU ID Reads Count Relative Abundance Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Unite Confidence isPatho Specific DB Taxonomy
f369e7040d6a8ec809b813c86388be98 10696 0.2546545402599876 k__Fungi p__Ascomycota c__Sordariomycetes o__Glomerellales f__Plectosphaerellaceae g__Plectosphaerella s__Plectosphaerella_oratosquillae 0.9858436283038672 no URS00007C0054_145972_Colletotrichum_pisi
21f34d539e27a351f59580aa39b530a9 7481 0.17811056616351603 k__Fungi p__Ascomycota c__Sordariomycetes o__Glomerellales f__Plectosphaerellaceae g__Verticillium s__unidentified 0.9981024689843628 yes URS0002135E36_27337_Verticillium_SA1
c6e89cb4cb1459d20e8b29086b6579e0 10275 0.2446312080377125 k__Fungi p__Ascomycota c__Sordariomycetes o__Glomerellales f__Glomerellaceae g__Colletotrichum s__Colletotrichum_coccodes 0.9982691073091507 yes URS00001143FA_27358_Colletotrichum_coccodes
23567ef88155066ea14693411a25e131 61 0.001452311794676444 k__Fungi p__Ascomycota c__Dothideomycetes o__Pleosporales f__Pleosporaceae g__Alternaria s__Alternaria_angustiovoidea 0.7681297203386827 yes URS00002006C5_474922_Colletotrichum_gloeosporioides_complex
6cd9621117c8968bade94e1b2f69bd6b 385 0.009166230179515261 k__Fungi p__Ascomycota c__Sordariomycetes o__Hypocreales f__Hypocreales_fam_Incertae_sedis g__Acremonium s__Acremonium_furcatum 0.7784985803462298 no URS00004BE307_27337_Verticillium_dahliae


Please cite : Plessis, C.; Jeanne, T.; Dionne, A.; Vivancos, J.; Droit, A.; Hogue, R. ASVmaker: A New Tool to Improve Taxonomic Identifications for Amplicon Sequencing Data. Plants 2023, 12, 3678. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12213678