
Getting user avatar from cloud

shredlocker opened this issue · 4 comments

What is the recordTypeId for the users record? When I try a record type of "Users", I get an error saying I can't query system types... I just want the avatar for specific users.

Looks like you can't query the "Users" type, you can only find them by ID. This is OK - we should be to find the ID using the "createdBy" field of Performance records.

I added a simple-ish solution as follows:

func getAvatar(forPerformance performance: ChirpPerformance) {
    guard let creatorID = performance.creatorID else {
        print("WJTVC: No creator for: \(performance.title())")
    let publicDB = container.publicCloudDatabase
    publicDB.fetch(withRecordID: creatorID) { [unowned self] (record: CKRecord?, error: Error?) in
        if let e = error {
            print("WJTVC: Avatar Error: \(e)")
        if let rec = record {
            print("WJTVC: Avatar Record Found.")
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                self.localProfileStore[creatorID] = PerformerProfile(fromRecord: rec)

Ok, good.

I got it somewhat working. I think we need another singleton storage class for PerformerProfiles, I've started this a bit in the WorldJamsTableViewController. Basically it's a dictionary from CKRecordIDs to PerformerProfiles, so that you can ask for a profile, and if it's not found, it is downloaded automatically.

Next step from here - add some more interesting avatars!

screenshot 2017-08-14 16 30 48

closed by #67