
github project link doesn't work

Opened this issue · 7 comments

the github project link in Readme.md doesn't work.

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough:
"There is GitHub project created, which is covering all the problems we want to address since original announcement and before release 1.0, if you have some spare time, and desire - please select any opened issue you like and try to fix it."

The link of "GitHub project created" pointing to https://github.com/orgs/cpmteam/projects/1 is what i meant.

I can't seem to reopen the issue. Should I just create a new one?


This link is correct, here is how it would be looking like, if you were having access. I guess cross-repo projects are not visible outside of team for the organization (I thought they would be visible, but something is broken and I do not see permission control there).

OTOH, Fabian @kazamatzuri I could add you to the team :)

Ah, I see. Not as open source as advertised, eh? ;) As long as I can send merge requests, i don't need to be on the team ;)

visible to unauth user

cross-repo projects are not visible outside of team

Missed that.

Looks very empty - or is it as designed?


As designed.