Consensys Academy Final Project

This project is an implementation of a simple React app that interacts with the Ethereum testnet chain Rinkeby. The user enters text into a form, clicks the send transaction button, uses Metamask to submit the transaction and then sends the text to the Ethereum blockchain and IPFS. Once that is complete, the app will output some text underneath the form informing the user the text was successfully submitted to the blockchain and IPFS. Running the app locally is much faster than the production version so please keep that in mind.

Running the app successfully

  • What do I need to run this app locally on my machine?

    Clone the repo to your machine and follow the installation instructions below. The application is incredibly simple to use and should be very straight forward.


  1. Install Truffle and Ganache globally.

    $ npm install -g truffle
    $ npm install -g ganache-cli
  2. Clone the repo, cd into the directory, and install node modules.

    clone this repo
    $ cd Consensys-Academy-Final-Project/
    $ npm install
  3. Open another terminal and run the Ganache blockchain (remember to set up your seed phase in Metamask).

    $ ganache-cli
  4. Compile and migrate the smart contracts.

    $ truffle compile
    $ truffle migrate
  5. Run the tests to make sure the contract is working correctly.

    $ truffle test
  6. Serve a local instance of the application on your machine.

    $ npm start
    The server will launch the app at http://localhost:3000
  7. Make sure Metamask is set to a private network pointing to localhost 8545 and use the app. Enjoy Ethereum and the Blockchain!