
t_ and m_ Prefix

foobar13373 opened this issue · 1 comments

I know there is a closed issue about this already. But I want to add a point here against using prefixes like this:

They make the code less readable. You say on the other hand it will be easier to recognize where a variable comes from / what it's scope is (which would be better readability). But this is not the responsibility of code typing style. The responsibility of making the scope / origin of a variable clear is only on the IDE / editors side (syntax highlighting, auto-highlighting selection, outline views and the like).

So, since we nowadays have editors doing all this for you, I'd say prefixing takes a greater amount of readability than it gives, because editors already do provide the positive effects of prefixing so that only the negative aspects of prefixing stay.

You should go ahead and post these thoughts on #11 so that these thoughts are captured for people linking from the doc itself.