
ubuntu20.04 install P0267_RefImpl, error[64%] in the step[cmake --build .]

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My system: ubuntu 20.04
I have installed the GCC, CMake, Cairo, graphicsmagick and libpng, and checked my version of gcc, cmake and make.

While the installation of P0267_RefImpl, at the step of 【cmake --build .】occured error like this:

`error: no matching function for call to ‘Canvas::set(svgpp::tag::attribute::stroke&, const boost::iterator_range<const char*>&, const int&)’

error: no matching function for call to ‘GradientStopContext::set(svgpp::tag::attribute::fill&, const boost::iterator_range<const char*>&, const int&, const svgpp::tag::skip_icc_color&)’