
show error message when service account is missing (hence revision will not be created)

cppforlife opened this issue · 2 comments

knctl got stuck waiting for new revision because service account did not exist, hence Configuration wasnt updated, hence Revision will never be created.

$ knctl service show -s simple-app2
Service 'simple-app2'

Name             simple-app2
Domain           simple-app2.default.example.com
Internal Domain  simple-app2.default.svc.cluster.local
Annotations      -
Age              2m

Service 'simple-app2' conditions

Type                 Status  Age  Reason           Message
ConfigurationsReady  False   2m   RevisionFailed   Revision creation failed with message: "Internal error occurred: admission
                                                   webhook \"webhook.build.knative.dev\" denied the request: mutation failed:
                                                   serviceaccounts \"serv-acct1\" not found".
Ready                False   1s   RevisionMissing  Configuration "simple-app2" does not have any ready Revision.
RoutesReady          False   2m   RevisionMissing  Configuration "simple-app2" does not have any ready Revision.

Pods conditions

Pod  Type  Status  Age  Reason  Message

drnic commented

I've created an upstream Build issue so perhaps we can get status updates with error messages knative/build#471

drnic commented

The same category of issue occurs if --template buildpack references a BuildTemplate that doesn't exist yet. It only appears in build-controller logs:

knative-build/build-controller-79d6cc9d57-7svtq[build-controller]: {"level":"error","logger":"controller.build-controller","caller":"build/build.go:141","msg":"Failed to validate build: buildtemplates.build.knative.dev \"buildpack\" not found","knative.dev/controller":"controller","knative.dev/controller"