
If deploy fails, cannot deploy again

drnic opened this issue · 2 comments

drnic commented
$ knctl deploy \
    --service show-me-secrets \
    --directory=$PWD \
    --service-account build \
    --image ${DOCKER_IMAGE:?required} \
    --template buildpack
Name  show-me-secrets

Waiting for new revision to be created...
$ knctl deploy \
    --service show-me-secrets \
    --directory=$PWD \
    --service-account build \
    --image ${DOCKER_IMAGE:?required} \
    --template buildpack
Error: Retried 11 times: Updating service: Operation cannot be fulfilled on services.serving.knative.dev "show-me-secrets": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again

since error message contains Retried 11 times it seems that something else (probably one of knative controllers) was updating service object at the same time continiously. i would be curious to see what following prints for a minute or two.

while true; do date; kubectl get services.serving.knative.dev xxx -o yaml; done

going to close this one. feel free to reopen.