
Deep copy of an Element

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I'm working on a class that takes an Element as input and is doing constant modifications to such Element. I would like to make a deep copy of this Element in order to keep the original intact though, but the nature of unique_ptrs doesn't allow it though. Is there any way of doing a deep copy of an Element? Maybe a cloning option?

I think it should be possible to write some kind of CloneVisitor which will go over the SVG tree and create a clone of each element. The idea is something like this:

class CloneVisitor : public svgdom::ConstVisitor{
    Container root;
    Container* curParent = &root;

    void cloneChildren(const Container& e, Container& clone){
        auto oldParent = this->curParent;
        this->curParent = &clone;
        this->curParent = oldParent;

    void visit(const GElement& e){
        auto clone = utki::makeUnique<GElement>();
        //copy different properties from e to clone (like transformations, styles, etc.)
        this->cloneChildren(e, *clone); //clone children


    std::unique_ptr<Element> getClone(){
        auto ret = std::move(this->root.children.back());
        return ret;

std::unique_ptr<Element> someElementToClone = ....;

CloneVisitor visitor;


auto clonedElement = visitor.getClone();

I have just added an empty copy constructor to Container, so now I think it is possible to use copy constructor for all elements to copy all stuff except children when doing e.g. utki::makeUnique<GElement>(e) and children should be copied with cloneChildren() as I described in the post above.

I wrote the CloneVisitor as you described, but the function cloneChildren() is not working as expected since it's returning a unique_ptr<Element>. Here's my visitor code:

void CloneVisitor::cloneChildren(const Container& e, Container& clone){
	auto oldParent = curParent;
	curParent = &clone;
	curParent = oldParent;

std::unique_ptr<Element> CloneVisitor::getClone() {
	auto ret = std::move(root.children.back());
	return ret;

void CloneVisitor::visit(const GElement& e) {
	auto clone = utki::makeUnique<GElement>(e);
	cloneChildren(e, *clone); 


And when I try to do the following:

std::unique_ptr<SvgElement> domOriginal = utki::makeUnique<SvgElement>();
CloneVisitor cvisitor;
std::unique_ptr<SvgElement> domClone = cvisitor.getClone();

I get the following error:

error: no viable conversion from 'unique_ptr<svgdom::Element>' to 'unique_ptr<svgdom::SvgElement>

domOriginal and domClone should be exactly the same and the getClone() function should return the same type as the Element that it is cloning right?

Well, getClone actually returns the right object, it only is cast to its base (i.e. Element). Do you actually need to know that you are working with SvgElement?
I think you can modify the getClone function to something like this:

template <class T> std::unique_ptr<T> CloneVisitor::getCloneAs() {
        assert(root.children.size() == 1);
	auto ret = std::unique_ptr<T>(dynamic_cast<T*>(root.children.back().get()));
        if(ret){//if cast was successful
	return ret;

Then when using it you will have to make sure that cast was successful, in case you know that you are cloning SvgElement the assertion would be a good practice:

std::unique_ptr<SvgElement> domOriginal = utki::makeUnique<SvgElement>();
CloneVisitor cvisitor;
std::unique_ptr<SvgElement> domClone = cvisitor.getCloneAs<SvgElement>();
//do something with domClone

getClone actually returns the right object, it only is cast to its base (i.e. Element)

I get that, it's just that it doesn't feel right, a clone() should return an object of the same type.

I am doing something similar now, but I'm not very happy with it, so I'm thinking of alternatives:

unique_ptr<Element> e = cvisitor.getClone();
unique_ptr<SvgElement> domClone = std::unique_ptr<SvgElement>(dynamic_cast<SvgElement*>(e.get()));

At least is working :).

Thanks for your help again!

I would make a template function:

template <class T> std::unique_ptr<T> cloneElement(const T& e){
     CloneVisitor cvisitor;
     unique_ptr<Element> e = cvisitor.getClone();
     unique_ptr<T> domClone = std::unique_ptr<T>(dynamic_cast<T*>(e.get()));
     return domClone;

std::unique_ptr<SvgElement> domOriginal = utki::makeUnique<SvgElement>();
std::unique_ptr<SvgElement> domClone = cloneElement(*domClone);

so you can use it to clone any element type and it's return type is deduced from argument type.

Here's my latest version:

template <class T> std::unique_ptr<T> clone(const std::unique_ptr<T>& element){
     CloneVisitor visitor;
     unique_ptr<Element> buffer = visitor.getClone();
     unique_ptr<T> clone = std::unique_ptr<T>(dynamic_cast<T*>(buffer.get()));
     return clone;

Would you be interested in a PR to add a clone() method to svgdom? Maybe to dom.hpp? (seems like the right place to do it)

I would have to create the files CloneVisitor.hpp and CloneVisitor.cpp, and just add the function from above.

Well, it is ok to include CloneVisitor to svgdom, but I would prefer to have that getCloneAs template function as I wrote above in the CloneVisitor. Because it will make it more extensible to custom elements.
so, if you do a PR, please also add some test for CloneVisitor, at least sanity test.

can this one be closed?

yeah, go ahead