
Can't load from istream anymore

Closed this issue · 5 comments


I am on vacation so working with my games again ;)

After updating svgren, svgdom and all of the dependencies from NuGet, it seems svgdom can't load any svg file from an istream. This code always produces exception mikroxml::malformed_xml with message "Unexpected '/' character in attribute list encountered. line: 1"

std::ifstream ist; ist.open(filename); auto dom = svgdom::load(ist);
Not a big issue for me right now as it seems to work if I use papki::fs_file instead, but thought I would report it anyway. :)

Thanks for report! I'll have a look.

@skalleAnka could you attach a sample SVG file which fails for you?

never mind, I reproduced it with tiger.svg

The problem is fixed in svgdom version 0.3.71. Please update and try.

I can confirm that it does work in 0.3.71.

Thank you!