
Add convenience methods for DOM creation

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Using unique_ptr and utki::Unique makes the construction of DOMs a bit convoluted, and it can be confusing for users that don't understand the concept of unique pointers. It would be much easier to write something dom.push_back(path) instead of dom->children.push_back(utki::makeUnique<svgdom::PathElement>(path)) . Maybe it would be a good idea to add convenience methods to create DOMs and hide the management of unique pointers.

Could you elaborate more on your proposal?
Like what is the path variable, its type?

I created a branch called container-push-back with a very rough function called pushBackUnique to simplify appending elements to a Container: master...JaimeIvanCervantes:container-push-back

Appending a path element can be done with this line dom->pushBackUnique(path) instead of this one dom->children.push_back(utki::makeUnique<svgdom::PathElement>(path)).

This is just a quick suggestion, so I didn't do a PR. Maybe there are other ways to handle unique pointers automatically and hide the complexity when one wants to create DOMs dynamically.

So, as I understood from your example dom->pushBackUnique(path) the path is svgdom::PathElement, right?
But then it will do the copy of the object using copy constructor without the need.

So, as I understood from your example dom->pushBackUnique(path) the path is svgdom::PathElement, right?

That's correct.

But then it will do the copy of the object using copy constructor without the need.

I would be doing the same constructor copy as in the line dom->children.push_back(utki::makeUnique<svgdom::PathElement>(path)). Is there an alternative?

Well, it depends on how you prepare the element before adding it. I would say it should be something like this:

    auto e = utki::makeUnique<svgdom::PathElement>();