
Crash, see description.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Assertion failed: (Val && "isa<> used on a null pointer"), function doit, file /tmp/llvm20150628-7874-1qnjbb2/llvm-3.6.1.src/include/llvm/Support/Casting.h, line 95.

zalox commented

When does it occur?

Happened once while I wrote code, but was unable to reproduce the crash. Hopefully we'll figure out which pointer it is.

Seems like the problem lies in Cursor.cc. Did a grep isa *.cpp in clang/tools/libclang after cloning https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang.git.

Or.. I'm not sure. Might be jucipp's source.cc that try read from libclang's translationunit or cursors while they are being processed. Might be an exception there I have not thought of yet:)

The problem was in source.cc, I had added a reference that sometimes was empty. Committing fix Tomorrow.

Fixed in latest commit to jucipp.