
Suddenly opening duplicates?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Recently no matter how many links I select it doubles them and opens two of each page. The indicator will show the correct number but regardless it opens two of each page. Even when only one link is selected two end up opening.

Have you found this to be the case on every website or one in particular? Since your comment, I've used it and haven't noticed it doing this for me.

Have you found this to be the case on every website or one in particular? Since your comment, I've used it and haven't noticed it doing this for me.
Sorry for the slow reply been busy lately. It was occurring on every website. It's happened on 3 separate occasions where only closing out the browser (firefox) fixed the issue. Wish I could pinpoint the problem but since it's only happening rarely it's not a huge concern.

Mmm, I see so this is an abnormal situation that seems to happen somehow. Interesting. If you come across any other threads of what might be going on please share them.

Mmm, I see so this is an abnormal situation that seems to happen somehow. Interesting. If you come across any other threads of what might be going on please share them.

I had this issue the OP is talking about recently. Only happened once. The only other tidbit I can add is a moz-extension:// page was open when it occurred. Don't know if the tab opened was related to snaplinks or another extension as the page didn't load anything just had the url moz-extension:// and some random numbers I assume referencing some extension.