
JIRA Not loading

AnujNautiyal1956 opened this issue · 8 comments

Hello ,
I am running the Docker Image of Jira on an AWS Redhat EC2 instance .
I am using the port 8085 for my traffic .However when i visit the url JIRA welcome page does open ,but it gets stuck and keeps on loading .
I try try to refresh the page but nothing happens
When i use the Docker ps -a command i can see my container is up and running but the url stops responding.
I have to either stop or completely terminate my EC2 instance and then try again .
This has happened for quite sometime now and i presume it would not work at all .
Kindly advise on this issue

JIRA runs on port 8080

Please find attached screen shot where i have used the port 8080 as you suggested .
The screen shot shows JIRA keeps on loading but there is no response and ultimately i have to close either the instance or kill the container .


I'm actually experiencing this problem too, using an AWS EC2 CentOS Instance (I've made sure it's big enough). Sometimes it goes OK, but then it starts working slowly and it doesn't even load!

I tried to access it through another browser, though, and I managed to connect to the login page but then I logged in an It started to load slowly again... It might be something inside the container, but I'm not sure If It's a JIRA problem or a Docker problem.

When this happened, there where two people using the same login in JIRA.

Any advice?

Hello ,
Could you let me know which Ec2 instance are you using ?
I am currently workingn on a t2 Medium Redphat instance .
I presume this could be something related to this .


I don't think so... I am using a t2.xlarge right now.

Hi Martin ,
Kindly advise on this ?

Seems that my problem was two people accessing the same account in JIRA: I've talked with the one I was working with and he confirmed me that it was going okay until I logged in, so...

Right now we've been working with the container, each on its own account, and no problems so far.

@AnujNautiyal1956 problem could be a different thing, although...

Yes i did tried in these in my google cloud

Didn't worked out
docker run --detach --publish 8080:8081 cptactionhank/atlassian-jira:latest
docker run --detach --publish 8180:8081 cptactionhank/atlassian-jira:latest

when i checked in the docker logs container ID

default one of httpservice you can find takes 8080 port

Below steps worked

docker pull cptactionhank/atlassian-jira
Go to GCP firewall rules and specified tcp - 8081
docker run --detach --publish 8081:8080 cptactionhank/atlassian-jira:latest

Here source port is 8081
Destination port is 8080