
Time values should be unspecified when converting Date using ToDateTime

Closed this issue · 3 comments

There could be a bug in the cql-execution (https://github.com/cqframework/cql-execution/blob/b0f53070cdace518adc307ed5ec7afe0086883c3/src/datatypes/datetime.js#L692).  This stems from an inconsistency in the cql-spec.  Bryn has commented on it in the following JIRA ticket (https://oncprojectracking.healthit.gov/support/browse/CQLIT-300).  Looks like the time values should be unspecified instead of 0 when performing ToDateTime on a Date.

Can you please confirm if this similar to ticket 263, which was resolved in version 2.4.1?

Yes, this was fixed. Thanks for noticing that we left this issue open. I'm closing it now!