
Box2D 3.0 bindings for Odin language

Primary LanguageOdin


Box2D 3.0 https://github.com/erincatto/box2c

Current commit: https://github.com/erincatto/box2c/commit/1d7d1cf14722a06f6a7b1c3b0850e70bcbec8558

Included platform binaries:

  • windows_amd64_avx2
  • windows_amd64_sse2
  • linux_amd64_avx2 (outdated)
  • linux_amd64_sse2 (outdated)

All binaries are build using the default settings. All binaries are located in binaries directory if you want to use your own build of Box2D.

Defines for Box2D Constants:

  • BOX2D_AVX2 (default: true)


package box2d_example

import b2 "odin-box2d"
import "core:fmt"

main :: proc()
    world_def := b2.default_world_def()
    world_def.gravity = b2.Vec2{0, -10}
    world_id := b2.create_world(&world_def)
    defer b2.destroy_world(world_id)
    ground_body_def := b2.default_body_def()
    ground_body_def.position = b2.Vec2{0, -10}
    ground_body_id := b2.create_body(world_id, &ground_body_def)

    ground_box := b2.make_box(50, 10)
    ground_shape_def := b2.default_shape_def()
    b2.create_polygon_shape(ground_body_id, &ground_shape_def, &ground_box)

    body_def := b2.default_body_def()
    body_def.type = .Dynamic
    body_def.position = b2.Vec2{0, 4}
    body_id := b2.create_body(world_id, &body_def)

    shape_def := b2.default_shape_def(0)
    circle := b2.Circle{{0, 0}, 1}
    b2.create_circle_shape(body_id, &shape_def, &circle)

    time_step: f32 = 1.0 / 60
    sub_steps: i32 = 4
    for i in 0..<60
        b2.world_step(world_id, time_step, sub_steps)
        position := b2.body_get_position(body_id)
        angle := b2.body_get_angle(body_id)
        fmt.println(position, angle)