
[3.x]: Using SORT filter errors with "Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency"

Closed this issue · 5 comments

What happened?


Upgrading to Craft 3.9.13 introduced this bug.

Using the SORT filter is causing a "Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency?" error.

Steps to reproduce

My error is happening with this code:

{% set films = craft.entries.section("filmography").limit(null).orderBy("title").all %}
{% set years ="filmographyYears").relatedTo(films).all() %}
{% for year in years | sort | reverse %}
       {{ year.title }}
{% endfor %}

Expected behavior

I expect the code to sort the years in reverse order

Actual behavior

The code throws this error:
Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency?

Here is the TRACE:

\vendor\twig\twig\src\Extension\CoreExtension.php at line 942

    } elseif (!\is_array($array)) {
        throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('The sort filter only works with arrays or "Traversable", got "%s".', \gettype($array)));
    if (null !== $arrow) {
        twig_check_arrow_in_sandbox($env, $arrow, 'sort', 'filter');
        uasort($array, $arrow);
    } else {
    return $array;

Craft CMS version


PHP version


Operating system and version

Linux 5.14.0

Database type and version

MariaDB 10.5.22

Image driver and version

GD 8.1.25

Installed plugins and versions

Hey Anna!

Usually that error occurs only if Xdebug is enabled. Sometimes it occurs for actual infinite recursion bugs, but not always.

Can you try loading the same page with Xdebug disabled, and see if it works?

Thank you for your quick reply Brandon!

I'm seeing this error in both production and dev environments and neither have Xdebug enabled according to PHPinfo report.

This was working code that appears to have broken with the latest upgrade that I made to 3.9.13.

Assuming you are trying to sort the categories by their titles, try this:

{% for year in years|sort((a, b) => a.title <=> b.title)|reverse %}

Hi Brandon,
Thank you! This got the sorting working again.

The issue should be reproduceable with PHP 8.1.25 and Craft 3.9.13.

Glad to hear that solved it!