
craft root files are publicly visible and accessible [4.x]:

dhirajsah opened this issue · 4 comments

What happened?


craft root files like .env, composer.json web.config etc.. are publicly visible and accessible

how can we hide them and set not to be public, as it contains crucial information about project

need little help and guide on the same,


Craft CMS version

Craft Pro 4.9.7

PHP version


Operating system and version

WINNT 10.0

Database type and version

MySQL 8.3.0

Image driver and version

GD 8.3.8

Installed plugins and versions

@dhirajsah this more sounds like a server configuration issue, rather than a Craft issue. Did you follow the requirements?

  1. Did you make sure your webserver is pointing only to the web directory, and has no access to the higher level folders (fixes the .env en composer.json access)
  2. Do you use IIS, if not web.config is only there for IIS, and shouldn't be in an NGINX or apache powered server

Craft is a tool, but in the end you are still responsible for your own server config.

Yeah we recommend that you set the web folder as your web root, which is below the project root where your .env file lives, etc.

@michtio thanks for reply

Yes i did follow the requirements, also yes its not craft issue or bug, just needed help in this case,

I am running craft on my localhost using WampServer, on windows os,

i am not using IIS,
my craft location is as below, can you please guide me in how to arrenge folders, actully i am new to craft and still learning,

http:/ /localhost/craft-cms/brandsource/web/


@dhirajsah I would advise you follow the recommended way of setting op Craft CMS locally, as described in docs: