
[5.x]: Collapsing the bottom entry in a structure appends "Nothing yet" to the index view

mmikkel opened this issue · 2 comments

What happened?


In a structure, if the bottom, top level parent is collapsed and there are no other top level parents that are expanded, Craft injects the "Nothing yet" message:

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a structure, and add some entries at different levels. Make sure the bottom, top level entry has children
  2. Collapse all the top level entries, going from top to bottom.
  3. When collapsing the bottom, top level entry, observe the "Nothing yet" message appearing.

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Craft CMS version


PHP version

No response

Operating system and version

No response

Database type and version

No response

Image driver and version

No response

Installed plugins and versions


Hi, thanks for reporting! I raised a PR for this.

Craft 5.2.4 is out with a fix for this. Thanks again!