
[5.x]: Unusable Icons Displayed in Icon Field

Closed this issue · 3 comments

What happened?


I want to use the icon field to select icons for display on the front end. However, as a non-paying customer of fontawesome, I can only use a limited number of icons. It would be great if the icon field had the option to display only those icons that are free to use. This would prevent confusion for users who might select icons that do not display on the front end.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install the fontawesome icons as web fonts as desribed in the CraftCMS icon field documentation
  2. Implement an icon field and configure it to display icons on the front end
  3. Select "gear" icon --> displayed on the front end as expected ✅
  4. Select "rectangle-history" icon --> not displayed in front end ⚠️

Expected behavior

All icons selectable through the icon menu should be displayed on the front end.

Actual behavior

Some selected icons, such as the "rectangle-history" icon, are not displayed on the front end because they are premium icons.

Craft CMS version


PHP version

No response

Operating system and version

No response

Database type and version

No response

Image driver and version

No response

Installed plugins and versions

I just addressed this for Craft 5.3, by adding a new “Include Pro icons” setting to Icon fields (#15249). Going forward you’ll be able to disable that setting if you don’t want authors to be able to select icons that are exclusive to Font Awesome Pro.

If you’d like to test 5.3 with the new setting before it’s released, change your craftcms/cms requirement in composer.json to:

"craftcms/cms": "5.3.x-dev as 5.3.0-alpha",

Then run composer update.

@brandonkelly Thank you for the quick fix!!!
Do you have an ETA on when version 5.3 will be released?

@droemmelbert Probably no later than late July/early August.