Modifying Invoice Text
cmartinespinosa opened this issue · 1 comments
cmartinespinosa commented
I need to inquire about an issue in the Craft Commerce Stripe regarding a text that appears on invoices, and I'm unsure how to modify it. When I check the database, specifically the 'stripe_invoices' table and the 'invoiceData' column, I find a JSON with a lot of information. Interestingly, within this JSON, under 'lines > data > 0 > description,' I see the exact message that later appears on the invoices. How can I modify this text? Do I need to send it to Stripe beforehand?
lukeholder commented
You would need to hook into the invoice create event and then modify it and then save it with stripe API
use craft\commerce\stripe\events\CreateInvoiceEvent;
use craft\commerce\stripe\base\SubscriptionGateway as StripeGateway;
use yii\base\Event;
Event::on(StripeGateway::class, StripeGateway::EVENT_CREATE_INVOICE, function(CreateInvoiceEvent $e) {
$stripeCient = $e->sender->getStripeClient();
$invoice = stripeCient->invoices->retrieve($e->invoiceData['id']);
// Update the invoice:
['metadata' => ['order_id' => '6735']]
Stripe invoice API docs: