
Best practices for `license.key` in terms of `.gitignore`?

khalwat opened this issue · 3 comments

According to More Information than You Require About Craft License Keys:

Don’t give anyone access to the license.key file that you don’t trust or owe money to! Remember that everyone that has access to the license key can easily transfer it to a new domain.

That being the case, what's the best practices in terms of checking license.key into your git repository?

Obviously public would be a bad idea, but private seems on par with checking in your passwords or access tokens?

The .gitignore file for this starter repo doesn't specifically exclude license.key so I figured I'd ask...

Most Craft projects aren’t published to public repos, so generally not a major concern. And we need to update that article a bit – now with Craft ID, if you’ve claimed a Craft license there you don’t have anything to worry about, even if the license key becomes public.

^ that's what I was assuming @brandonkelly -- thanks for the clarification!

Came across this trying out Craft4, wanted to publish some example repositories publicly on Github as well for DDEV + Gitpod.

Is there a recent guide on how to approach this? Move license key to .env or just gitignore it?

Couldn't find infos in this KB: Licensing & Editions Articles. Only this paragraph:

Don’t give anyone access to the license.key file that you don’t trust or owe money to! Remember that everyone that has access to the license key can easily transfer it to a new domain.

Thanks in advance!