
Consider adding configuration for Docker?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This is not really an issue, more of a discussion.

Would adding a Dockerfile or docker-compose.yml be an option/pull request that would be considered? Meaning that if a docker-compose.yml file, that contained an official PHP, MySQL and Postgres configuration, were to be added to this repository - would this be worth it to anyone?

Even if the end result is that the developer/project/installer decides not to use Docker, it would be a painless addition and take a minimal amount of effort to remove from their installation.

A quick example, not tested at all, would be a docker-compose.yml file that looks something like this:

version: '2'

        image: php/7.0-apache
            - "80:80"
            - mysql-server
            - mysql-server
            - ".:/var/www"
        env_file: .env

        image: mysql/5.7
            - "3306:3306"
            - "./storage/database:/var/lib/mysql"
            MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: SuperLongPassword!
            MYSQL_DATABASE: dev_craftcms
            MYSQL_PASSWORD: Password1!
            MYSQL_USER: craftcms

Down for this, it's just a matter of timing (and supporting it) for us. Most likely something we'll look into again after 3.0 GA.

Since 3.0 is now released, will you consider a PR with a Docker setup?

@jasonmccallister 100% - feel free to submit. Want to get an official one up sooner than later. Someone grabbed so trying to make contact and see what we can do to get it.

Pulling from a craftcms image makes sense, but we find it a good practice to build our image based on an upstream build, in the example PHP 7.3, but we could switch to craftcms/php-7.3-postgres? Not sure on the naming... but only installing the deps for postgres or mysql depending on the image.