EVENT_BEFORE_SEND_DATA event not working
mofman opened this issue · 6 comments
When listening for EVENT_BEFORE_SEND_DATA event, no data is being passed to data property.
Steps to reproduce
Event::on(\craft\elementapi\controllers\DefaultController::class, \craft\elementapi\controllers\DefaultController::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND_DATA, function(\craft\elementapi\DataEvent $e) {
$logFile = Craft::getAlias('@storage/logs/test.log');
$logDetails = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ."\n". print_r($e, true) ."\n\n";
\craft\helpers\FileHelper::writeToFile($logFile, $logDetails, ['append' => true]);
craft\elementapi\DataEvent Object
[data] =>
[name] => beforeSendData
[sender] => craft\elementapi\controllers\DefaultController Object
Additional info
- Craft version: 3.7.44
- PHP version: PHP 7.4.28
- Database driver & version: MariaDB 10.7.3
- Plugins & versions: Element API 2.8.5
Just to add onto this, the event is only fired when either the cache is disabled or when there is no cache. Shouldn't this fire regardless?
We're trying to use it to collect analytics on what people are searching for...
@angrybrad any possibility of getting this merged into v2 branch?
Event::on(\craft\elementapi\controllers\DefaultController::class, \craft\elementapi\controllers\DefaultController::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND_DATA, function(\craft\elementapi\DataEvent $e) {
$file = fopen(Craft::getAlias('@storage/logs/itineraries.csv'), 'a');
$response = $e->payload->toArray();
$line = [];
$line['date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$line['total'] = $response['meta']['pagination']['total'];
$line['query'] = $e->sender->request->getQueryStringWithoutPath();
fputcsv($file, $line);
Adding the code I used to track queries going through element-api, may be of use to someone.
@angrybrad Is there any way to always fire the event even if it is already cached?
@mofman this probably comes too late but an idea to track all requests (with info about data returned) would be to listen to incoming web requests (e.g. \craft\web\Application::EVENT_AFTER_REQUEST
) check if the request goes to one of the element-api endpoints, and get the data from the element-api cache? This way you should be able to track calls even when the cache is warm no?