
More than 10 activities

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Thank you SO much for this custom integration!!!

I have written a sensor to calculate the distance run in a week automatically in HA and setup some input_numbers to show my weekly/ distance goals on a dashboard.

I have been training hard and found I ran over 10 activities in a week however this integration only pulls the latest 10 activities.

Is it possible to get a few more activities pulled in?


Hi @nckslater
Sure, I can re-work this to support more activity entities.

Out of interest, what are you using from the entities that you need more of them?

The logic will always show you the latest activity as Activity 0, so if you look at the history of Activity 0 you would see it change for each activity you log.

Hi. Thanks for getting back to me.

It's the distance sensor (starts with strava_0_3) that I'm looking at a few more of.

I have HA configured to add up all the distances to show my weekly distance however the odd week I run over 10 activities. It's not a big deal as I have created a sensor that stores the last distance sensor (strava_9_3) value and if I have run 11 runs it adds it in.