clientInstall for bower installs lesser files than native "bower install"
xetra11 opened this issue · 1 comments
xetra11 commented
Given this setup:
clientDependencies {
installDir = 'src/bower-components'
bower {
and bower.json dependencies:
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "~2.1.4",
"veams-sass": "~2.0.3"
When I run bower install
the src\bower-components\veams-sass\resources\scss contains the following:
Files: _veams-reset.scss, _veams-normalize.scss, etc.
Just like the git-repository:
When I use gradlew clientInstall
I do not have the above mentioned files...why is that? It is the same version declared.
xetra11 commented
just figured out have to do:
fileExtensions 'scss'
fileExtensions 'json'
fileExtensions 'md'
I'd recommend not to exclude common file-types like "scss" or "json" by default