
signals for derived class have base class as source when cascading

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Given this doc-item hierarchy:

class BaseDoc(TypedModel):
class BaseDocItem(TypedModel):
   doc = models.ForeignKey(BaseDoc)
class MyDoc(BaseDoc):
class MyItem(BaseDocItem):

and post_delete signal handler for MyItem
item.delete() fires post_delete signal with source=MyItem
but doc.delete() fires post_delete signal with source=BaseDocItem
expected result:
without TypedModel post_delete is always fired with source=MyItem

Interesting. See #1 which could be related.

Could you post the code that connects the signals?

@receiver(post_delete, sender=BaseDocItem) # extra registration
@receiver(post_delete, sender=MyItem)
def handler(sender, instance, **kwa):

i am using extra registration line as workaround

I have working post_save signal handler for MyDoc and MyItem.