
Vue tells me expected string for prop "glyph", got undefined.

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I try to use fa-rating. I followed the doc to import the glyph like so
import {ThumbsUp} from 'vue-rate-it/glyphs/thumbs-up';

But Vue tells me
Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "glyph". Expected String with value "undefined", got undefined

After some trial and error, I figured I should import glyph like this
import ThumbsUp from 'vue-rate-it/glyphs/thumbs-up';

So I guess the doc is wrong.

I was able to fix the import of the star glyph following @lucky13820 solution. Please @craigh411 if possible, change the documentation.

I was following the documentation, and was struggleing for hours, starting multiple import method from the documentation, and I would never imagine, that the documentation contains error :\ Thank you for saving my hair from pulling out @lucky13820