
Laravel 7 will support multiple mail drivers

Closed this issue · 5 comments

See laravel/framework#31073

If you stick with MAIL_DRIVER=postmark it does not seem to be a problem.

Using Mail::mailer('postmark')->to(...) might cause a problem:

if ($this->app['config']['mail.driver'] !== 'postmark') {

Seems to me, we'd be safe to remove that check, what's your opinion @mvdnbrk ? I can't remember why it was there in the first place.

That check was added in PR #21

The main change we need to make for L7 compatibility is to on this line:

$this->app['swift.transport']->extend('postmark', function () {

swift.transport should be replaced with mail.manager

@craigpaul Would you prefer to make the package backwards compatible or make the changes needed and bump to v3?

See #67

Hey @mvdnbrk, I think given the changes Laravel is doing for v7, I'd like to bump to a new major version and drop support for < v7. If theres other stuff you'd like to get in for that major bump, feel free. I'll get to reviewing these soon as I can. Thanks for all the help 👍