
hum2xml - syllabic

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Currently hum2xml designates all lyric syllables as single. It would be great to have the correct syllabic information (single, begin, middle, or end) based on the dashes in the lyrics.


**kern	**text
*clefG2	*
*M4/4	*
*k[]	*
*C:	*
=1	=1
4a	a
4a	syl-
4a	-la-
4a	-ble.
==	==
*-	*-

should result in:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 2.0 Partwise//EN" "">
<score-partwise version="2.0">
		<score-part id="P1">

	<part id="P1">
		<measure number="1">
				<lyric number="1" name="verse">
				<lyric number="1" name="verse">
				<lyric number="1" name="verse">
				<lyric number="1" name="verse">

So, something like this:

void displayLyrics(HumdrumFile& infile, int line, int col, int verse) {
   pline(lev, "<lyric number=\"");
   cout << verse << "\" name=\"verse\">\n";
   string syl = "single";
   //find out syllabic information
   string text = infile[line][col];
   if (text.size() > 0) {
      bool first = (text[0] == '-');
      bool last = (text[text.size()-1] == '-');

      if (first) text.erase(0,1);
      if (last) text.erase(text.size()-1,1);

      if ( first && last ) syl = "middle";
      if ( first && !last) syl = "end";
      if ( !first && last) syl = "begin";

   pline(lev, string("<syllabic>"+syl+"</syllabic>\n").c_str());
   pline(lev, "<text>");


   cout << "</text>\n";
   pline(lev, "</lyric>\n");