Move IIIF logo
Closed this issue · 1 comments
The IIIF logo displays when there are bounding boxes encoded in the score. The IIIF logo is currently off to the side. Move it after the scan lines below the library name. Also give a title to the logo so that a pop-up can explain that you can double-click to view an except of the scan showing the staff/system that the note belongs to in the scan. (And shift-double-click will show a reduced-size view of the entire page.
Also allow the scan link line under the library name to be scrollable when there is not enough space to show all scan links (this will happen when there are multiple scan page entry points for parts that create full transcribed score).
Implemented with commit c30f580
The IIIF logo is now shown after the scan icons. When there is a non-empty !!!IIIF:
entry in the Humdrum score, the logo will be shown:
When the mouse is moved over the image, a tooltip will be shown:
Nothing happens when clicking on the logo. Perhaps go to a documentation page, or probably more proper, show the manifest (which is more standard, and a way to load the IIIF image into an external IIIF viewer).