
install.packages() does not respect "repos" param

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Inside R in a clean image of rocker/r-bspm:20.04:

install.packages("StanHeaders", repos = c("", getOption("repos")))
#> [1] 2.21.0-7

That is from CRAN, and not from the additional repo, which should be 2.26.X. Same thing happens for any attempts to install other packages from other repos. This only happens in BSPM; in other rocker containers the "repos" param works as expected. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Yes but how could it?

BSPM's whole stick is to take a request for an R package and to then BAM! pull the rug under you and give it to you as a .deb binary from an apt repo. So seems like par for the course, if arguably not all that well documented.

And it works just fine in the r2u container (which has bsmp "on" by default) if I just start with bspm::disable().