
Some errors are not forwarded to R

Closed this issue · 3 comments

E.g. when there's a dependency resolution error:

Install system packages as root...
Package R-CRAN-sf available, but not installed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/R/library/CoprManager/service/", line 149, in <module>
  File "/usr/share/R/library/CoprManager/service/", line 124, in run_as_root
    pkgs = call_backend(args.cmd, pkgs, root=True)
  File "/usr/share/R/library/CoprManager/service/", line 33, in call_backend
    return getattr(backend, cmd)(PREF, pkgs, EXCL)
  File "/usr/share/R/library/CoprManager/service/backend/", line 60, in install
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dnf/", line 929, in resolve
    raise exc
 Problem: conflicting requests
  - nothing provides needed by R-CRAN-sf-1.0.9-1.fc38.copr5027045.x86_64

Do you think one can/should catch that?

Now I see:

> install.packages("sf")
Install system packages as root...
Error: cannot connect to the system package manager

I want to see:

> install.packages("sf")
Install system packages as root...
Error: Package R-CRAN-sf available, but not installed.
 Problem: conflicting requests
  - nothing provides needed by R-CRAN-sf-1.0.9-1.fc38.copr5027045.x86_64

It works in D-Bus mode, but not in root mode.