
Compile arrow with optional capabilities

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The arrow package comes with optional capabilities that are not enabled in the cran2copr binary:

#> Arrow package version:
#> Capabilities:
#> dataset    TRUE
#> substrait FALSE
#> parquet    TRUE
#> json       TRUE
#> s3        FALSE
#> gcs       FALSE
#> utf8proc   TRUE
#> re2        TRUE
#> snappy     TRUE
#> gzip       TRUE
#> brotli     TRUE
#> zstd       TRUE
#> lz4        TRUE
#> lz4_frame  TRUE
#> lzo       FALSE
#> bz2        TRUE
#> jemalloc  FALSE
#> mimalloc  FALSE
#> To reinstall with more optional capabilities enabled, see
#> Memory:
#> Allocator  system
#> Current   0 bytes
#> Max       0 bytes
#> Runtime:
#> SIMD Level          avx2
#> Detected SIMD Level avx2
#> Build:
#> C++ Library Version  11.0.0
#> C++ Compiler            GNU
#> C++ Compiler Version 13.1.1

According to the documentation, enabling s3 and gcs support merely requires libcurl-devel and openssl-devel and to set an environment variable LIBARROW_MINIMAL=false. Is it possible to build and supply arrow with these extended capabilities?

I build this against the libarrow package included in the official Fedora repos. I have to check, but probably those are not enabled there.

Confirmed: the capabilities are the ones built into the base library. If they are enabled at some point in the Fedora package, then we'll got them here "for free".

Thanks, I filed an issue on bugzilla