
Feature Requests

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Here are a few features I'd like (and some I've seen others talk about)

  • Copying and pasting slider ticks (slider mids). Currently, if you select slider mids and copy/paste, it copies/pastes the whole slider.
  • A feature where you can detect the BPM/time signature of a music file, I hate searching the web for a site that tells me the bpm of a not well-known song 😅 (I'm not sure how feasible this would be)
  • Add "jump-to" points in a score. You can set keybinds for these and quickly jump between certain parts of a score while editing.

-I'm not sure if copying individual slider mids is possible due to how the internal slide data is laid out but I understand placing mids one by one to create say, zig-zag patterns is painful so I'll try to think of another way.
-As much as I'd like this and as far as I know, automatic BPM detection can be very inaccurate... Perhaps a calculator where you repeatedly tap a button and it calculates the BPM from there is fine?
-The last point is feasible.

I am currently refactoring the code base and improving several areas, but I'll look into it as soon as I can!

Thanks! I completely understand about the automatic BPM detection feature (I thought I'd ask though).

I also thought of a new feature that may come in handy:
I found a site that provides a "difficulty detector" (i.e. predicts the level rating) for any .sus file. (link) What would be really cool is integrating a feature where the user could click a button and MikuMikuWorld would compile the current score into a .sus file, send the file to the endpoint provided by the site, and display the returned difficulty rating inside the application. Or, if the user wanted to get the predicted difficulty for only a certain section, they could select the notes they want, and then only that section would be compiled into a .sus file and sent.
This feature may help with things like difficulty balancing and figuring out what parts of a score are too easy, too hard, etc.