
Bug: Clicking on the ends of hold notes with hold note or hold mid option selected doesn't change ease type.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Version: MMW v3.0.0
Platform: Windows 11
How to re-create:

  1. Place a hold note in any chart.
  2. Select the Hold or Hold Mid option in the toolbar.
  3. Click on the ends of the previously placed hold note or on another hold mid.

In previous versions, clicking on a hold note end or hold mid changed easing, but it doesn't seem to work on v3.0.0. I understand one can change easing from the Options panel or by right-clicking a hold note/hold mid and using its context menu, but simply clicking said note to change easing is very convenient.

Yes I'm aware. I just hadn't enough time to fully test it with the new notes. I'll bring it back very soon™️

Functionality restored with 484cb5b