
Examples for common use-cases

jonhoo opened this issue · 0 comments

We recently made the decision to have this repository provide building blocks for CI (and a single, "80%" default template), since we found it too difficult to expose all the various ways in which people want their CI builds to vary. However, this repository can still serve as a convenient reference for how to implement particularly common patterns in your own CI scripts.

Here are some examples we should probably provide (PRs welcome!):

  • Producing GitHub artifacts (#23)
  • How to enable caching (#36)
  • Uploading documentation to GitHub pages (#35)
  • Producing releases (#34)
  • Verifying minimal dependency versions (#25)
  • Compile with scache (#16)
  • Adding additional arguments to cargo invocations (#10)
  • Installing programs uploaded to GitHub releases (#4)

If you have others, please post here and I'll add them!