
Typos ignores files in `.gitignore`, even when they are force-tracked in git

Crown0815 opened this issue · 6 comments

I have a situation where a typo in a .png file's name was corrected in the reference of a .md file, but the name of the .png file itself was not corrected.

├ my_tipo.png

With the content of


now typos correctly fixes the typo in but does not fix the file name of my_tipo.png which breaks the link.

Are PNGs not checked in general? Is it possible to have them checked?

I tried adding this to my _typos.toml but it did nothing:

extend-glob = ["*.png"]
check-file = false

If you run typos --identifiers you will likely see that mytipo is not listed for Without testing it, my guess is that this is being caught by our URL filter (we can't fix a website...)

As for

extend-glob = ["*.png"]
check-file = false

That is saying to not check the content of png files but check-filename is likely still true so the file name will be corrected. This has no affect when a file path ending in png is found in a file.

Sorry, my bad, I tried to create a minimal example but that actually hid the actual issue I am facing:

So the concrete situation looks like this:

├ OptionsWindwoWithParametersExample.png

and contains

![Options window with highlighted ModificationParameter UI representations](OptionsWindwoWithParametersExample.png)

Now running typos on that folder produces the following output:

error: `Windwo` should be `Window`
  --> ./
1 | ![Options window with highlighted ModificationParameter UI representations](OptionsWindwoWithParametersExample.png)
  |                                                                                    ^^^^^^

For some reason the typo is detected in the file, but not in the *.png.

The part where things get weird for me is that I tried to isolate the problem by copying the folder (which is part of a much large project) into a separate directory from the rest of the project and there the output is:

error: `Windwo` should be `Window`
  --> ./OptionsWindwoWithParametersExample.png:8
error: `Windwo` should be `Window`
  --> ./
1 | ![Options window with highlighted ModificationParameter UI representations](OptionsWindwoWithParametersExample.png)
  |                                                                                    ^^^^^^

which is exactly what I would expect.

In both cases I ran typos with the folder being the working directory and no _typos.toml configuration file.

So the file name is not being checked when it is expected to be ... sometimes and why it hits in some cases but not others is not clear which makes providing a reproduction case hard. Is that correct?

Some useful tools:

Debug flags

      --files                      Debug: Print each file that would be spellchecked
      --file-types                 Debug: Print each file's type
      --identifiers                Debug: Print each identifier that would be spellchecked
      --words                      Debug: Print each word that would be spellchecked
      --dump-config <DUMP_CONFIG>  Write the current configuration to file with `-` for stdout

Running with higher verbosity logging (-vvv ... I never remember how many but the more, the merrier).

I found the issue. PNGs are in our .gitignore file. I removed PNGs from the .gitignore and now the file is being detected.
The file is actually tracked by git, because it is an "exception" to the "no-PNGs" rule.

Is this expected behavior?

I assume this is a case where you ignored all of the files but you forced git to track this file, rather than modify your .gitignore to allow it?

It is expected that we respect .gitignore and,. without expensive git operations, we have no way to know that you made that exception. I would generally recommend handling this in your .gitignore, rather than forcing git.

I understand. Makes perfect sense. Thank you very much for your help.