
MongoDB migration does not work.

surister opened this issue · 4 comments

Running a migr8 command with a simple document {"text": "hola"}
migr8 export --url "mongodb://root:example@" --database test_db --collection test_col


(.venv) ~/PycharmProjects/crate/cratedb-toolkit git:[main]
migr8 export --url "mongodb://root:example@" --database test_db --collection test_col
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/surister/PycharmProjects/crate/cratedb-toolkit/.venv/bin/migr8", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/surister/PycharmProjects/crate/cratedb-toolkit/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/", line 92, in main
  File "/home/surister/PycharmProjects/crate/cratedb-toolkit/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/", line 81, in export_to_stdout
  File "/home/surister/PycharmProjects/crate/cratedb-toolkit/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/", line 119, in export
    collection_to_json(db[args.collection], file=buffer)
  File "/home/surister/PycharmProjects/crate/cratedb-toolkit/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/", line 107, in collection_to_json
    bson_json = bsonjs.dumps(document.raw)
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'raw'

I already have a fix, will pr later (found other issues)

I already have a fix, will pr later (found other issues)

Thank you so much! If you are at it, can you also have a look at that other error report?

This no longer happens in master, when I came across this;

for document in collection.find():

document was a dict, now it's correctly a bson document and doesn't fail.

Excellent, thank you! So, the package needs a release to make it work? I can't remember anything has been changed in mongodb/export recently, but if you are effectively saying that the most recent release package does not work, a new release would be needed indeed.