
Error Domain verification failed

Wunderharke opened this issue · 7 comments

Describe the bug

This bug was previously described e.g., in #517.
When performing the initial setup step 4 is domain verification. When clicking on “Verify Now” an exception is showing up and the installation process can not be completed.

Previously described solutions as completing the setup in incognito mode did not work. Cleared cookie & cache as well as restarted nginx and php-fpm.

Expected behavior

As previous steps were completed without any errors, requirements are installed and the entered app domain is correct I expect the verification to complete without any issue.

System information:

  • Crater version: 6.0.6
  • PHP version: PHP 8.1.12
  • Database type and version: postgres 14.3

Optional info

  • OS: Fedora 37
  • Browser: tested multiple (Firefox & Chrome)

It might be helpful that when trying to verify the domain log shows: “Cookie “XXX” has been rejected because it is already expired.”
I double-checked: server time is correct, time of local machine is correct, php timezone is set correctly as well.

I have the same here, can't go through step 4.
Same as @Wunderharke, did you managed to find a solution?
Running on IIS, Windows Server 2019, sqlite, PHP 7.4

Error message on api/v1/installation/set-domain endpoint is :
405 - HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed.

Can't find anymore details in the log, PHP error log file is empty.
Checked that extensions like fileinfo are set.

Anyone got an idea ? Maybe because I'm running without HTTPS ?

Nope didn't manged to get crater running, yet. Even after deploying everything once again from scratch.
I am using HTTPS btw.
Might this be related to allowed HTTP methods?

Do you perhaps have something like "Referrer-Policy" with "no-referrer" enabled?
I had the same issue, but resolved it by changing Referrer-Policy to same-origin.

Thanks for your insight @nicodier.
I've changed the header to same-origin.
Still the same issue.


Anyone got an idea ?

Do you perhaps have something like "Referrer-Policy" with "no-referrer" enabled? I had the same issue, but resolved it by changing Referrer-Policy to same-origin.

This solved it for me! Thanks @nicodier!

Thanks for your insight @nicodier. I've changed the header to same-origin. Still the same issue.


Anyone got an idea ?

I am using nginx as webserver, but it seems that Windows IIS is blocking PUT HTTP requests. As the header implies right now only GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE are allowed HTTP methods, you might have to allow other methods like PUT, POST & DELETE in your webserver settings.