
Is this project still alive?

MalteKiefer opened this issue · 2 comments

I just want to check out if this project is still alive?

I see there was no release since March.
No commit for over a month.
Lot of open issues, a lot of open PRs.

Can someday tell what the status of this project is before, I take the time to install it on my server?

It's very much alive. The next major release is still WIP but other than that we are still actively supporting the project and fixing major issues as they come.

The only open PRs that are useful are docker ones.. others are either incomplete or not worth merging.

I'll be cleaning that up soon.

And what about 300+ open issues? I mean it would be clearer, if you don't want to include a feature to just say that in the issue and close the issue - or if you are open to include it, if someone provides a PR.

Leaving issues open for years without any notice if it is not wanted/in development/forgotten/ etc. is creating a kind of a mess.