
Some feature requests

NetworkWebMasters opened this issue · 0 comments

  1. Add the feature admin can set customer profile details like first name, last name, email, phone number etc as read only.

Don't allow customer to change theirs details without admin permission.

  1. Add Terms & Conditions Field like notes, & add signature upload option for both company and customer in invoice.

  2. Estimate must be accepted from customer side, please add estimate accept option in customer panel and in email also.

  3. Add clear cache option in dashboard.

  4. Add google recaptcha on login page.

  5. Automatically Add Current Year Option in Add Invoice/Estimate Number Format in Settings -> Customization: Year-EST Number, like EST: 2022-00001

  6. Add Total amount in words in invoice and estimate pdf.

  7. Add company owner signature and customer signature in footer.

  8. Add more fields in company information like multiple phone numbers department wise, multiple landline numbers department wise, multiple email address department wise like sales, purchase, billing, & add company website field.

  9. Admin can login in customer panel without password.

  10. Customer can set profile picture from theirs panel, but admin cant see in Admin Panel -> Customers -> Customer List

Add the profile picture column in customer list, its very easy to navigate and identify customer from theirs profile picture or logo uploaded by customer.

also profile picture won't display in search option.

  1. Collapse Sidebar In Desktop View.