
Cannot delete, modify or add exchange provider

guanana opened this issue · 1 comments


Thanks for the app, it's really great. I'm facing a problem though and I don't really know how to proceed. It seems to me like a bug.


  1. Add a valid exchange provider (
  2. Do not renew the API Key (in this case they are asking me for data or payment and I'm not willing)
  3. Try to modify, delete or add a new exchange provider

So I have now one provider and CANNOT change it, delete it or add a new provider. When I try to add a new provider it says that the action is not allowed. When I try to modify the existing provider it doesn't allow it either (or either it gives me a weird index error or it tells me to add a valid key to the provider).

I'm blocked without being able to change the provider in an infinite loop. Cannot modify because I don't have a valid key, cannot delete it because is active and cannot add new ones.

Useful info:
App version: 6.0.6
Docker deployment

@guanana We are looking into this one 👀