
Line breaks are ignored in custom notes

JanLlamaman opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
I have three text blocks in a custom note that I would like to use in the invoice, the three blocks are separated by line breaks in the editor but when I create the invoice PDF the blocks are just sticking underneath each other without a line break.

Expected behavior
I would expect the line break from the note editor to be reflected in the invoice pdf where the note is used.

Please complete the following information:

  • Crater version: 6.0.6

Happy to provide more information if needed.

@JanLlamaman can you explain more?

I tried reproducing this, I have added the text as 3 blocks, please check the image:

And this is how it turns out in the PDF:

For me it looks the way it should. If you can share the screenshots with the content you have filled and the output you see on the PDF, that will be more helpful.