
Crater installation via Docker still failing like 3 years ago

noseshimself opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug
See #236

The issue was closed without fixing it and still reports on its presence coming in.

The bug is using an arbitrary user ID that is known to be in use on several distributions AND a documentation error (you have to chown the crater tree to the UID the application will be running as AND you have to execute docker-compose/ after doing the chown step).

Expected behavior
You follow the docs and the application is running.

Please complete the following information:

  • Crater version: github master
  • PHP version: docker-environment
  • Database type and version: docker-environment

Optional info

  • OS: Debian 11

Create a new user using adduser and add that ID to .env. Use it in docker compose (also using the --user parameter on docker exec in Add an appropriate chown -R ID:GROUP to