
Add Bitcoin (XBT) as currency

PraiaBitcoin opened this issue · 1 comments

We need to track expenses in Bitcoin for the Bitcoin Communities that we are helping worldwide, and we would like to try Crater to do it, but we need to add XBT ticker as a currency.

The abbreviation "XBT" comes from the International Standards Organization (ISO) that maintains a list of internationally recognized currencies.

Describe the solution you'd like
Add the code below on [database/seeds/CurrenciesTableSeeder.php]

                'name' => 'Bitcoin',
                'code' => 'XBT',
                'symbol' => '',
                'symbol' => '₿',
                'precision' => '8',
                'thousand_separator' => ',',
                'decimal_separator' => '.'

Also, we need to get the prices from the Coingecko api here

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