
Template Invoice Total is always purple

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
When creating a new template, or adjust an existing template in resources/views/app/pdf/invoice/ The color of the invoice total never changes and is always purple. All other areas / items / attributes will change except the color of the toal amount of the invoice, see screenshot.

Expected behavior
When editing the template the total amount attribute, the changes should be applied accordingly. From what I understand the elements are crated in @include('app.pdf.invoice.partials.table')



This is what it looks like, when the .total-table-attribute-value color attribute is changed to yellow

Please complete the following information:

  • Crater version: 6.06
  • PHP version: 7.4
  • Database type and version: 10.5.21-MariaDB

Optional info

  • OS: Debian 11
  • Browser: Chrome / Chromium

Funny how submitting a ticket works! I found the solution right after I pressed submit, but for everyone after me having similar problems:

There's another blade template in resources/views/app/pdf/invoice/partials called table.blade.php tht is included and used to generate the item and total tables.

In there the color is hard coded

            <td class="border-0 total-border-left total-table-attribute-label">
                class="py-8 border-0 total-border-right item-cell total-table-attribute-value"
                style="color: #00659d"

Changing the color here fixes the problem, I tested with #00659d as an example!